Find your local stealth bomber

This is pretty amazing. Germany's Spiegel Online has found a stealth bomber on Google Maps. It should have been blurred out, because it's on a secret part of a military base -- but Google must have missed it. As of this writing, the bomber is still there, in good ol' Palmdale, California. Hit the link, and zoom out. You'll see metropolis of Los Angeles emerge just below it.We stumbled on it via Google Blogoscoped, which translates Spiegel saying that it's prohibited to get close to military bases, let alone photograph them -- at least that's what you'd assume in times of terror.To be clear, the images are obviously not taken real-time; they were taken up to several years ago. Still, it's got to be a breach to reveal where such bombers may be sitting.,+California&ll=34.637382,-118.082020&spn=0.005397,0.007832&t=k&hl=en(source;

